Our Efforts with Reasons
Planet First: The matter of Priority
Our efforts of striving on positive impact is to put planet first while delivering our innovative products and services.
Earth is our priority. We put our efforts with conservative strategies and eco-friendly solutions to lead the way to a more
sustainable future.
We use the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to guide our vision, and technology to lead our actions.
We will empower those who strive for a better, more equitable world and create opportunities for them to thrive.
Our responsibility is by our decision and control in every corner of our enterprises as it influence to inspire others.
In support of global efforts to fight climate change, CHAEUM has announced its Sustainable Development Goals,
detailing its plans to reduce its environmental impact by achieving net zero direct and indirect emissions and plastic
free package by 2040.
In addition, throughout entire production and supplying processes, product lifecycle and more, CHAEUM will utilize its
innovative technologies to implement environmental sustainability.
Our partnership is co-existing based on fairness and trust. We endeavor together to build an ethical and sustainable
supply & circularity. Our harmony starts from every individual to one next to, by respecting the diversity, overcoming the time
and distance, valuing the overall relationships between our co-workers, partners, investors, customers, and experts naturally
leads us to mutual growth.
We are strengthening the sustainability of our supply chain, ensuring that every supplier we work with upholds ethical
working practices. We review our Modern Slavery Statement annually. The statement details the steps we take to assess
and prevent, to the extent possible, slavery and human trafficking occurring in any part of our business or supply chains.
Our commitment to ethical entrepreneurship is demonstrated not only through our Anti-Slavery Policy but also engaging
with our suppliers to review and audit their environmental and ethical performance, ensuring that responsible practices
are being upheld throughout our supply chain.
When it comes to protecting the future of our business and our planet, we cannot afford to waste any time, money or
resources. We are on a mission to transform all of our waste into resources for our value chain, make 100% of own brand
packaging recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2030, and have zero waste to landfill by 2040.